How to make your Own Custom Boot Animation in Xiaomi / MI phone
It's a nightmare Developing a Custom Boot Animation On Androids.
But on MIUI it won't take more then few minutes.
You can download and browse from a great collection of themes that change the look of everything on the device: lockscreen and homescreen with their wallpapers, icons, status bar, fonts, messaging application, dialer and contacts, boot animation, and even sounds such as the boot audio, ringtones, notifications and alarms.
So The Question Is- How do I Start up?
First of all you need MIUI theme Editor
Download From Here 
STEP : 1
Now the First thing to DO is Extract the zip file.
[Note: Click on the picture for Enlarging]
STEP : 2
Now GO to MIUI Themes Editor and launch it.
There are two ways of getting started up.
Either select a Theme and Edit or start a new project
[Note: Click on the picture for Enlarging]
STEP : 3
Starting Up a New Project.
[Note: Click on the picture for Enlarging]
STEP : 4
Click on File > New Theme
STEP : 5
Specify a name and Location.
[Note: Click on the picture for Enlarging]
STEP : 6
Later Adding
Theme Name
STEP : 7
Click on Boot Animation Tab
And nowyou will see options related to Boot Animation.
Dimenstions, Frequency etc.
Thie options lets you play animation as well.
Here's HOW it Looks 
[Note: Click on the picture for Enlarging]
For me the default Dimensions work well.
STEP : 8
Designing Picture for Animation
[Note: Click on the picture for Enlarging]
There are alot of Photo Editing Softwares now a days.
It's easy using many of them.
But the most complex is using photoshop if you are new.
You Can try out PhotoScape As well.
Download From here
is a fun and easy photo editing software that enables you to fix and enhance photos. It even lets you Create BASIC Images.
STEP : 9
Go to My computer/..../myTheme>Boots>Bootanimation>part1
And You will see the default Boot Animation the pre loaded one gets created.
There are diffrent frames depends upon the frequency you Set.
More and More can be implemented if you want a good animation.
How Can pictures work as animation?
Animated Gifs are nothing but collection of many similar pictures.
Where timely changes are added in Frames according to the time one sets.
Look at the picture 1 and replace Them as i have shown in picture two.
[Note: Click on the picture for Enlarging]
[Note: Click on the picture for Enlarging]
This will replicate your custom boot animation.
After Done with EveryThing It's Time to test. 
Don't Have A Designer account ? No Wsm ?
Don't worry you can test it out in MIUI themes Editor.
ClICK on play load previous frames etc.
When you are done it's time to save your project.
STEP : 10
[Note: Click on the picture for Enlarging]
Click on Generate Full Mtz So that the your theme is compressed to mtz file.
Refer to the location it'ssaved you will get your mtz file.
This is How it BOOTS.
The Boot Animation mtz is just a sample, Don't expect much from it just wait for my first theme soon 
Sample Boot Animation attached. ..
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