TOP 10 Most usefule MiUi 6 Features
This post was edited by Bughinirari at 15:54, Jan-09-2015

Fellow MIUIers,
From the change to KitKat for MIUI 5, to the release of MIUI 6, MIUI has seen a lot of growth last year. Now, it's time to sum up the top 10 features of MIUI that users like and those that I find useful.
High Quality Music Stream
Date of Release: 2014.4.25
As a user who listens to music a lot (with a small music library with enough music to run continuously for a fortnight without repeat), I'm having high hopes for MIUI Music and I have to say, it's holding up pretty good so far. On it's 186th weekly update, a new feature that allows users to purchase better quality stream services is made available.
Still, it's not a really powerful engine with so many similar third-party apps offering better user experience albeit with a price. However, we do expect MIUI Music to become better and richer in content, don't we?
Data Saver
Date of Release: 2014.7.4
Sometimes, people freak out when they're accessing the web and all of a sudden they receive a notification that they've used up their monthly quota. In order to squeeze more out of your data quota, MIUI has incorporated an in-built Data Saver that helps you get just a bit more before your hit the limit.
Now you can save a bit more on that money and data, even 4G speeds won't 'cause you to "overuse" that data. It's smart and cash saving, definitely one of the best features of the year.
Games Center
Date of Release: 2014.2.24
Ever since Xiaomi Game is established, Game Center became the hottest and most popular game platform on MIUI. Requiring only one Xiaomi Account, users gain access to every popular game on market. Never worry you won't have enough games to play, only worry that you don't have enough space to store them.
One-Handed Operations
Date of Release: 2014.11.28
OHO is the saviour for small-handed people with phones of massive screen sizes. Mi3 has a really big chassis for a 5" screen phone, thus it's hard to reach the other end while using one hand. Base on similar concepts of keyboards that squeeze to a corner for one-hand typing, the OHO feature in MIUI 6 contains both 4" and 3.5" options.
It's not the perfect solution though, especially the blank space is rather unpleasant. I wish for better ways of displaying the OHO, don't you?
Image Beautification
Date of Release: 2014.6.12
Never worry about *ahem* selfies again, now that MIUI has some nice suite of beautification processes running underneath to make sure your eyes look brighter and you skin fairer. Third-party apps? Dump those into the bins please! All you need now is the stock MIUI camera.
New Homescreen Edit Mode
Date of Release: 2014.2.14
The previous suite of editing tools are getting increasingly confusing, so our Mi Bunny Developers decided to extract the most-used functions and introduced to the world the brand new homescreen edit mode. Pinch using two fingers and you're presented with four major options. Everything is in plain sight.
If you use homescreen editing for cleaning up your homescreen, the process must be smooth and simple, thus MIUI is successful in this. This is also one of the features that are revamped completely.
Scheduled Power On/Off
Date of Release: 2014.12.26
Ever since the smartphones are introduced to the world, humans never shut down their phones anymore. However, keeping your phone up drains battery while keeping it plugged in damages your battery. Therefore, why not let it have some rest too while you're sleeping?
App Delete Animation and Sound
Date of Release: 2014.8.15
Deleting apps use to be boring and uneventful, but with MIUI 6's new animation and sound, deleting apps can be addicting. The bubble explosion animation coupled with the "pop" sound of a bubble makes it the perfect combination and the overall experience an enjoyable one.
I use to be lazy in deleting apps and usually leave them to rot in a corner. Now with the new animations, I find myself deleting a lot of apps 'cause I love to watch the animations and listen to the sound. Just fun.
Music Widget in Notifications Shade
Date of Release: 2014.8.15
It used to be possible to play music only when you have a widget or when you swipe down on music app, but now with a music widget in notifications shade, you can play music while browsing the internet without exiting the Browser. Slick, isn't it?
Lockscreen Notifications
Date of Release: 2014.8.15
Back in MIUI 5, the only notifications you see at the lockscreen are missed calls and messages. Now with MIUI 6, you no longer have to pull down the notifications shade to check out new notifications. The circle at the lockscreen shows how many notifications you have and tapping on it displays the list and names of apps that have notifications. Simply awesome!
That's it, the top 10 MIUI features most used by users in 2014. Which MIUI feature you like the most? Join in the poll and share your thoughts or two!
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