"From 100 to 100 million users" Xiaomi impressive journey
In San Fransico, we announced a news that will make everyone amused that is users who use our MIUI (MIUI
pronounced "Me You I", a play on the common abbreviation of the words
user interface as UI) developed by Xiaomi Tech, is a stock and
aftermarket firmware for smartphones and tablet computers based on the
free software Android operating system. MIUI
is made up of two parts, MI and UI, where UI stands for User Interface
and MI, as stated by Xiaomi Tech, stands for Mobile Internet ) system has exceeded 100 Million users !
In the
past 3 years, we try to break our own record and everytime it's getting
better and better. I feel so toched right now and it feels like a dream
when i was told that there are 100 Million users who using MIUI now ! I
would desribe MIUI is an ecosystem which consists of developers,
flashers and active users in Internet. All of them contributed alot to
what we are today.
still remember 3 years ago when my colleague told me there are 10
Million users are using MIUI, we felt happy and they said we should
celebrate it because we do not know when only we will managed to add a
zero behind 10 Million (means reaching 100 Million users mile stone)
years ago when we have 10 Million users, we were still struggling on
issue regarding production of Redmi 1 phone. We have no time to think
about what and where to celebrate. That time we are still a small
company which just founded, thus we do not have alot of workers
and all of us work very hard and always stayed up and burn the midnight
oil to improve our products.
still remember this date 16 August 2010 vividly, MIUI released the first
version and during that time we had only around 100 users. We labelled
them as 'Dream Sponsor". They are the one who trust us and give us
motivation and going thick and thin with us. We are very thankful to
have them around. In 2013, we filmed a mini film that record our moments
together, everyone of us were so touched because it's not easy to reach
until that stage.
i founded Xiaomi company, we faced alot of criticsm especially in our
phones or products. Howewer MIUI maintained the good reputation and MIUI is the first product launched by our company.
We are an Internet company and this is our product to test how well
Internet Marketing goes and it's also a tool for us to spread our
mission and values. During this 4 years, we provided 224 updates
non-stop weekly. Every updates optimise and improve our users
experience. All this effors contribute to what we are today. MIUI is
pretty, colorful and yet with high performance.
are various hidden settings that you may find out if you using MIUI.
Example long press home button to activate Torchlight, whenever you are
in party you can easily give your contact to others via QR code, MI
accounts, backup photos and important stuff to MI Cloud, and so much
more to be found out by you guys ! MIUI never fail to suprise us !
More than 100 Million users that already joined us MIUI big family, don't you want to try it out 
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